Kabari Wellness

Targeted Nutrition

Digestion is a north to south process starting in the mouth.

Targeted Nutrition

Our Targeted Nutritional Muscle Testing is an alternative and noninvasive approach that holistically analyzes the body’s deficiencies and imbalances. The underlying causes are evaluated and treatment is tailored to the patient’s unique response. We can also determine the necessity and efficacy of the patient’s current supplemental regimen to avoid iatrogenic toxicity as we highly stress the importance of ingesting only what your body needs. Our Targeted Nutritional Muscle Testing allows communication of the body with identified imbalances and deficiencies.

Our procedure is safe and effective, performed by lying down with the are extended straight and wrist flexed. If the tested reflex area on the body is under stress, the Autonomic Nervous System will respond by reducing energy to the extended are, meaning the are will weaken and drop. When performing our Targeted Testing, a scan of the body and the acupuncture reflex points are assessed based on the patient’s presentation.

With the accumulation of “wear and tear”, free radical and toxicity at the cellular level over time creates stressors within our organ systems. Once our body receives the proper nutrients in the forms of clinical whole food, essential minerals, vitamins and antioxidants the body will heal gradually resulting in symptoms improvement.

During your visit

To properly assess nutritional deficiency we utilize both in office assessment and Lab work. During your visit we will examine the following:

Our Lab Work

Blood work: We give you the list of what we need to be ordered
Hair analysis: You will have to order through our office
Urinary analysis: We will give you a list of what need to be ordered

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